Big Air Package: Christo’s Heavenly Installation Unveiled in Germany

It is the artist's first work since Jeanne-Claude, his wife and collaborator, died

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The latest project from Christo, the contemporary artist known for his sprawling, large-scale works with late wife and collaborator Jeanne-Claude, opened in Germany last week. Big Air Package is a massive, voluminous fabric dome reaching 90 meters high and 50 meters wide. According to the artist’s website, it is the largest inflated envelope (without a skeleton) ever. It completely fills the Gasometer Oberhausen, a large former gas holder and exhibition hall in western Germany. The goal, said Christo, 77, is to leave visitors “virtually swimming in light.”

Big Air Package is showing at the Gasometer Oberhausen from March 16 – December 30, 2013.

Photos by Wolfgang Volz

Big Air Package - Construction of Christo's Big Air Package at Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany

Big Air Package - Big Air Package, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, 2010-13


Big Air Package - Big Air Package, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, 2010-13-4


Big Air Package - Big Air Package, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, 2010-13-3

Big Air Package - Big Air Package, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, 2010-13-1

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