The end of the year means recaps, reviews and zeitgeists galore. Yahoo! Shine, a section of the search engine devoted to advice and information for women between the ages of 25-54, added a voice to the noise in the form of a “year in jeans” retrospective. The site found that jeans were the most searched-for fashion item on Yahoo! this year and compiled the results for the most popular brands—congratulations, Levi’s!— as part of Yahoo’s 2012 Year in Review.
A first-place ranking for America’s uniform isn’t wholly shocking; the overall denim market posted a 2.5% increase in sales to $15.8 billion during the year ending in 2012, according to market research firm NPD Group. Cotton Incorporated’s Lifestyle Monitor Survey corroborated evidence for denim’s Yahoo! search frequency. The 2012 results showed that 76% of women surveyed “love wearing denim” and that the average woman owns 7.2 pairs of jeans.
(MORE: Luxury Zeitgeist: The 10 Most-Searched High Fashion Brands of 2012)
So what were these dungaree-loving females looking for? Lots of Levi’s, it seems. The first brand of jeans (and Glenn Beck’s proclaimed nemesis) came in at number one, followed by the higher-priced True Religion brand, the elaborately-pocketed Miss Me label, and rough-and-tumble line Wrangler. The top 10 was rounded out by Lucky, Lee, YMI, Not Your Daughter’s Jeans, Silver and Apple Bottoms.
Levi’s also occupies 8 of the top 10 best-selling women’s jeans on Amazon, proving that the brand can still “Go forth” despite its toxin-laced products—and sharing a name with Levi Johnston.