Mad Ads
- Lucky Tiger Gets the Trophy Girl?
- It’s What’s Up Front That Counts
- What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?
- Hairstyling the Jetson’s Way
- “Mr. Thomson….please!”
- I Found Out What He Does on Those “Business” Trips…
- A Girdle that Doesn’t Treat You Like a Cave Man?
- Should a Woman Have to Worry About Tires?
- This Is No Shape For a Girl
- “Why Don’t You Take the 8:45 Instead?”
- Two Naked Women, Neither Measures Up?
- Fit to be Tied
- How to Warm a Calculating Woman’s Heart
- Old=Ugly, Young=Beautiful
- Think of Her As Your Mother
Sexist, Silly, Sublime: Era Ads
A new book, "Advertising From the Mad Men Era", released this month by Taschen, offers a glimpse at how women in the 1950's and 60s were depicted, from "Little Fibber" girdles to men's cologne that turns pretty gals into trophies — literally.