Number of Followers: 5.5 million
Notable Boards: Simplicity; Ideas
Is Jane Wang really a chinstrap penguin from Antarctica? We don’t think so. But she is the mother of one of Pinterest’s co-founders. Wang boasts one of the most-followed accounts on Pinterest, and for good reason. With more than 19,600 pins (and counting), her fascinating finds go across a large spectrum of interests—from all aspects of design and home goods to art and architecture to fashion and food. The pins you find in Wang’s boards, especially the largely trafficked Happy and Delightful Design, are unique and utterly special. They can be inspirational (like this image from the Paralympics), informative (anyone need an explanation of the human genome?) or just plain beautiful, but it’d be difficult to find anything like them just by searching the Internet. But then again, you’re not a chinstrap penguin from Antarctica, are you?
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