Fashion & Beauty Feature Film Fashion: Hollywood Costumes at the Victoria & Albert Museum Share Read Later prev9 of 20nextView AllThe Bride Wore Red, 1937By Lily Rothman Oct. 12, 2012MGM / THE KOBAL COLLECTION / GEORGE HURRELL / Courtesy of Victoria and Albert MuseumMovie: The Bride Wore Red Year: 1937 Worn by: Joan Crawford as Anni Pavlovitch Designer: Adrian Next Titanic, 1997 Full List Hollywood CostumesOn-Screen StyleRaiders of the Lost Ark, 1981Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, 2011The Birds, 1963Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007The Wizard of Oz, 1939Saturday Night Fever, 1977Gladiator, 2000The Bride Wore Red, 1937Titanic, 1997Brokeback Mountain, 2005Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 1961The Iron Lady, 2011Taxi Driver, 1976The Last Emperor, 1987Atonement, 2007Lady in the Dark, 1944Angel, 1937Cleopatra, 1963